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Children’s Social Work Recruitment
Job Type
Posted Date
12 January 2022
Closing Date
19 January 2022
Are you looking for a fresh start for the new year? Join our online recruitment event for qualified social workers on 19 January at 6 pm to find out why Powys Children’s Services is the team for you in 2022.
This is a great opportunity to find out more about current vacancies, hear about our plans and priorities and also to ask questions to our friendly team. Our brilliant staff will talk about what it’s really like to work in this forward-looking service and the benefits it could bring you.
Powys County Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Cllr Rachel Powell says: ”We are looking for passionate social workers to join our team in Children’s Services to share their expertise, experience, and case work knowledge and make a difference to the families we support.
“If you believe in the power of social work to support people to change their lives for the better, then now is a great time to come and join us. We’ve invested in our service and workforce so that you’ll have a manageable caseload and the support you need to do the job you love, spending time with the children and families you support.”
Powys is closer than you may think, less than 50 miles from some of the largest cities in the UK and offers great career opportunities. You’ll have a great work-life balance with time to enjoy your family and the beautiful landscapes in the heart of Wales.
Interested, and want to find out more about joining our supportive team? Then book your place for the event now at https://forms.office.com/r/g0hTrHMKcR
To view our current social worker vacancies, visit https://en.powys.gov.uk/jobs
Digwyddiad recriwtio i Waith Cymdeithasol Plant
Ydych chi’n chwilio am ddechrau newydd i’r flwyddyn newydd? Ymunwch â’r digwyddiad recriwtio ar-lein ar gyfer gweithwyr cymdeithasol cymwys ar 19 Ionawr am 6pm i glywed pam mai Gwasanaethau Plant Powys yw’r tîm i chi yn 2022.
Dyma gyfle gwych i wybod mwy am swyddi gwag, clywed am ein cynlluniau a’n blaenoriaethau a hefyd i ofyn cwestiynau i’r tîm cyfeillgar. Bydd ein staff gwych yn sôn am sut brofiad yw gweithio o fewn y gwasanaeth blaengar hwn a’r buddion i chi.
Dywedodd yr Aelod Cabinet ar gyfer Gwasanaethau Plant, y Cynghorydd Rachel Powell:“Rydym yn chwilio am weithwyr cymdeithasol brwd i ymuno â’n tîm o fewn Gwasanaethau Plant i rannu eu harbenigedd, profiad a gwybodaeth o achosion ac i wneud gwahaniaeth i’r teuluoedd dan ein gofal.
“Os ydych chi’n credu ym mhŵer gwaith cymdeithasol i helpu pobl i newid eu bywydau er gwell, yna nawr yw’r amser i ymuno â ni. Rydym wedi buddsoddi yn ein gwasanaeth a’n gweithlu fel y bydd gennych lwyth achosion teg a’r gefnogaeth angenrheidiol i wneud gwaith o’ch bodd, sef treulio amser gyda’r plant a’r teuluoedd byddwch yn eu cefnogi.”
Mae Powys yn agosach nag y tybiwch, llai na 50 milltir o rai o ddinasoedd mwyaf y DU, ac yn cynnig cyfleodd gwych am yrfa. Bydd gennych gydbwysedd da rhwng bywyd a gwaith, gydag amser i fwynhau eich teulu a thirweddau godidog calon Cymru.
Diddordeb? Am wybod mwy am sut i ymuno â’n tîm ni? Yna cadwch le nawr trwy fynd i https://forms.office.com/r/RVxkAMqsLg
I weld y swyddi sydd gennym o fewn gwaith cymdeithasol, ewch i: https://cy.powys.gov.uk/swyddi
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