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“Be open to learning from mistakes”: Lessons for Living, by Dr Neil Thompson

Life is never without its challenge, but there is always the opportunity to learn and grow from those demands made on us. Dr Neil Thompson offers advice to tackle these problems and help social workers and care professionals to realise their potential.


“Be open to learning from mistakes”: Lessons for Living, by Dr Neil Thompson

The idea of the value of learning from our mistakes is well established, but unfortunately many people don’t manage to get the benefit of this.

That is because they adopt a defensive approach to mistakes; they see them as things to cover up or deflect attention from.

Nobody is perfect and so mistakes are inevitable, therefore there is little point in trying to give the impression that we never make mistakes.

Some mistakes can be embarrassing, but most are not, unless we are trying to come across as ‘mistake proof’.

Some mistakes are quite serious, but the more serious they are, the greater the scope for learning.

However, that’s not to say that even small mistakes cannot produce significant learning.

But, of course, no mistake will produce learning unless we are prepared to be open to learning by admitting that we are not perfect.

Dr Neil Thompson is an independent writer, educator and adviser.

His website is

Connect with him online via @drneilthompson.

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