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Children's Services Manager
Job Type
Posted Date
21 November 2024
Closing Date
4 December 2024
Vulnerable children in the UK need your help
Wherever you work in the Action for Children family, you'll be helping to change the lives of the most vulnerable children in the UK.
Last year, we helped more than 687,000 children and families across the UK. From direct work in communities to national campaigning, we are focused on making sure every child has a safe and happy childhood, and the foundations they need to thrive.
Why Action for Children?
Working here is more than a job. Everyone in the Action for Children family is passionate about protecting and supporting children. It's the sense of purpose that drives us every single day. Because we know that, when we work together, we can make a huge difference to bring lasting improvements to vulnerable children's lives.
A bit about the role
Our successful Children’s Services Manager you’ll be responsible for a cluster of services in Enniskillen and Omagh:
Early Intervention Family Support where our team work, directly or with partner agencies, with children aged 0-18 and their families to achieve better outcomes for children and young people. This is an outreach service.
Sperrin and Lakeland Floating Support which assists young people between the ages of 16 - 25 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, and young people who have left Care or are in the process of leaving Care.
Rossorry Grove Supported Accommodation which is a purpose built 13 apartment supported accommodation service for young people aged 16 -24 with a high level of need who were homeless or at risk of becoming so.
This role is offered on a permanent part time basis and, while there is an element of home-working, there will be a requirement to attend all 3 services as well other meetings as needed.
How you'll help to create brighter futures
As a Children’s Services Manager you’ll be:
Developing and maintaining effective networks, relationships, partnerships and contacts to improve outcomes for children, young people and families.
Recruiting, leading, motivating and managing a range of social care and support staff to deliver high quality health and social care services.
Promoting the highest standards of safeguarding practice through leading and managing processes and actions around safeguarding, fearlessly speaking out for children, families and young people.
Monitoring and evaluating the performance of services offering recommendations on any improvements.
Providing effective leadership and strategic development of our services, extending our impact.
Let's talk about you
Ideally you will have:
Experience of the successful management and delivery of commissioned services, including significant working with health and social care commissioners and other multi-agency partners.
Experience of business development and children's residential services would be an advantage.
Experience of leading, motivating and managing teams of social care and support staff to deliver high quality health and social care services.
Significant experience of ensuring effective safeguarding practice and processes are embedded as a core aspect of the service.
Experience of managing health and safety issues across services.
A social work qualification, plus a leadership / management qualification (or equivalent experience).
Registration with NISCC.
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