29 March 2023
Live Webinar
29 March 2023
Ruth Terry, Jade Lamb, Julie Devonald & others.
Launch Your Social Work Career: Join Team Leeds: Opportunities and benefits working with our Outstanding children’s social work team
About this event
This event has now expired
Launch Your Social Work Career: Join Team Leeds: Opportunities and benefits working with our Outstanding children’s social work team
Leeds is a large, vibrant city with a great diversity of communities, including some areas of significant deprivation. We're looking for newly qualified social workers from a wide range of backgrounds which reflect our communities to help us achieve our ambition to make Leeds the best city in the UK and the best city in which to grow up in.
You will work in our outstanding social work team and help to improve the lives of children, young people and families.
At this live event you will learn more about our practice and culture; the social work opportunities in Leeds, our award winning development opportunities including the ASYE programme and ongoing development; and our recruitment processes. There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions
Speakers include our Chief Officer Ruth Terry, and Jade Lamb service delivery manager, Julie Devonald, Head of Service Workforce Development; as well as Team managers and a newly qualified social worker.
DATE- Wednesday 29th March – 14.30-15.30
LINK- This event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams at: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NGUwYTA0YTItMDMwZi00NWFkLTlhNTQtZWIwODY1MzkzN2E0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2216864fae-286e-4707-a78b-d7188d6149a7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22629409ba-f39c-49c6-9e5f-b3e2b73ebd2e%22%7d
Meeting ID: 361 443 805 931
Passcode: kFow8e
WATCH - https://youtu.be/iwws0YPln2U
29 March 2023