18 January 2021

18 January 2021
Michelle Drumm

Care experience and mental health
About this event
This event has now expired
Thomas Bartlett and Casey Armstrong, two care experienced young people, talk openly about the subject of mental health as part of a project titled the ‘Mental health and care experienced children and young people: a partnership for change’.
The project seeks to improve understanding and practice in relation to care experienced young people’s mental health. A training workshop has been developed, aimed at students and professionals in residential child care, social care and social work which was piloted at the European Social Research Council’s Festival of Social Sciences in conjunction with the British Association of Social Work.
The episode forms part of the project and is co-produced with TRIUMPH (Transdisciplinary Research for the Improvement of Youth Mental Public Health) at the University of Glasgow; the Champion’s Board; Who Cares? Scotland; the University of Edinburgh; and Iriss.
Health warning: This episode describes scenes of traumatic events that listeners may find disturbing.

18 January 2021