3 March 2021
3 March 2021
Peter Fleischmann
Co-production: Lessons learnt from Oxfordshire
About this event
This event has now expired
Since 2017 Oxfordshire County Council Adult Social Care Services have been making the shift from an engagement to a co-production model.
The work has included the development of a co-production staff team, an advisory board co-chaired by the Director of Adult services and a local carer and a staff champions network, which supports implementation. The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) has supported some of the development of this, provided training and produced a peer-led evaluation.
This webinar covered:
– Summary of the programme
– Some of the lessons and learning from the programme
– Key messages from the peer led evaluation
Speakers include Danie Woodbridge, OCC Co-production lead, Pete Fleischmann, Head of Co-production (SCIE) and Jo Barnicoat, Co- chair of Oxfordshire County Council, Team up, Co-production Board.
3 March 2021