25 March 2022
Online webinar
25 March 2022
Katie Legg
How to… talk to your line manager about your mental health for the first time
About this event
This event has now expired
This webinar will help give you the tools and confidence to talk to your line manager for the first time about your mental health. The session will bring to life the real stories of Niki Garcha-Davies and her colleague Nguyet Yip from Lloyds Banking Group and enable you to ask questions to our expert Emma Carrington.
- Katie Legg, Director of Strategy and Partnerships (host)
- Niki Garcha-Davies, Lloyds Banking Group (expert)
- Nguyet Yip, Lloyds Banking Group (expert)
- Emma Carrington, Colleague Mental Health Support Lead, Mental Health UK (expert)
Who’s it for?
- Colleagues, line managers, workplace mental health champions
25 March 2022