23 March 2021
23 March 2021
Raymond Douglas
Routes to Success: Future Proofing Racial Justice in Youth Work
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With Racial Justice front and centre in all our feeds, inboxes and conversations how do we as a youth sector continue to lead around anti oppressive practice and future proof our commitment to racial equity amongst staff, young people and the communities we serve.
After launching www.antiyouthviolence.com and engaging over 10,000 young people and pupils per year Ray’s journey of becoming a Desistance & Behaviour Management Practitioner took flight.
By delivering groundbreaking interventions in Schools .Youth Offending Teams, Children’s Secure Units and Prisons his vision of reducing youth violence took his work regionally, nationally and internationally.
After becoming a prolific Public Speaker, Trainer & Seminar Leader, Ray launched ‘Gangology’ a CPD workforce development programme for practitioners working with young people at risk of life threatening behaviour relating to Gun,Knife & Gang Culture.
This groundbreaking program has been delivered in partnership with Youth Offending Teams, Probation, Social Services, Prisons, Children Secure Units and YOI’S.
Today, Ray is seen as one the UK’s leading thinkers and doers around reducing Gang & Serious Violence.
23 March 2021