9 March 2021

9 March 2021
Dr Adi Cooper OBE

What now for safeguarding in our 'new normal' world
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How do we uphold safeguarding with so many of our ways of working dramatically changed due to Covid-19? This panel discussion webinar explores how to keep abreast of new and emerging forms of abuse and neglect given the challenges professionals are facing, and how to make sure the working practices of the foreseeable future can protect those who are vulnerable.
Professor Michael Preston-Shoot is Professor (Emeritus) of Social Work at the University of Bedfordshire. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He has carried out major studies for the Department of Health on effective practice with adults who self-neglect and safeguarding governance. He is currently working on sector-led improvement projects on adult safeguarding and homelessness, and on making safeguarding personal for health and social care commissioners/providers.
Dr Adi Cooper OBE is the Independent Chair of two Safeguarding Adults Boards in London. She is the Care and Health Improvement Advisor for London for the Local Government Association, the lead for adult safeguarding, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Central Bedfordshire. She has contributed to national policy development, service improvement and Care Act guidance in adult safeguarding, including developing the ‘making safeguarding personal’ programme.

9 March 2021