ADASS President urges government to ‘get on’ with sorting out social care
James Bullion uses his speech at the NCAS Conference to call for ‘comprehensive reform,’ arguing against a ‘narrow template that simply addresses the funding of residential care for older people.’

This morning James Bullion, ADASS President addressed attendees in the opening session of the virtual National Children and Adult Services Conference (NCASC) 2020 conference, taking place over the next three days.
He used his speech to thank care staff in residential settings and in the community, and to social workers who have ‘done so much this year to keep care and support services going and to safeguard people.’
He paid particular tribute to those social care colleagues who have ‘paid the ultimate price in their selfless dedication to supporting others’, noting that ‘their sacrifice will never be forgotten’.
The ADASS president warned, however, that services were sometimes ‘overdue for reform and flawed’ and that we find ourselves ‘engaged in a grim and deadly struggle just to sustain our services, just to protect people’s health and wellbeing.’
Mr Bullion also spoke of the need for staff to look after their own mental health in these trying times, urging them to ‘be realistic about what we can achieve in the face of seemingly overwhelming need, and try to rise above the fear,’ adding: ‘and avoid social media, though that may be more difficult for some of us than for others.’
Also in the speech were arguments put forth for better pay and conditions for staff, as well as support for the estimated 13 million people in the country acting as informal carers for loved ones.
He also underlined the urgent need for further support for social care during what will be an extremely difficult winter and called on the Government to urgently bring forward its proposals for reform which will sort out social care ‘for all, once and for all’.
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